View Full Version : Rectal injury at birth - 8.9% (Univ. Pittsburgh)

Todd Gastaldo
December 31st 04, 06:16 AM
Pregnant women: Obstetricians are closing birth canals up to 30%.

It is easy for you to allow your birth canal to OPEN the "extra" up to 30%.

See below.


"The frequency of rectal injury was 8.9% [1572 of 17,722 women.] Our data
demonstrate a significant increase in risk of rectal injury with birthweight
> 4000 g, midline episiotomy, or operative vaginal delivery..."
--Hyagriv N. Simhan, M.D., M.S.C.R. et al.^^^

^^^Simhan H, Krohn M, Heine RP. [J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2004
Nov;16(5):271-4. PubMed abstract]

OPEN LETTER (archived for global access; see below.)

Hyagriv N. Simhan, M.D., M.S.C.R.
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA


Perhaps during childbirth the vagina and rectum are bruised - over the
sacral tip - especially since it is routine for OBs to jam the sacral tip up
to 4 cm into the pelvic outlet?

("The rectum rests posteriorly on the inferior three sacral vertebrae and
the coccyx." [Keith L. Moore, PhD and Arthur F. Dalley II, PhD. Clinically
Oriented Anatomy. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1999:385])

Perhaps if OB weren't closing birth canals up to 30% there would be less use
of forceps and less rectal injury.

Perhaps bigger babies would fit through more easily.

Perhaps if OBs weren't KEEPING birth canals closed the "extra" up to 30%
when babies get stuck, significantly less than 8.9% of women would have
suffered rectal injury.

Something to think about.



Dr. Gastaldo

PS Please help stop OBs from closing birth canals up to 30% and keeping
birth canals closed when babies get stuck.

OBs are lying.

I noted some of the OB lies in an Open Letter to the FTC years ago...

OB LIE #1. After MASSIVE change in the AP pelvic outlet diameter was
clinically demonstrated in 1911 and radiographically demonstrated in 1957,
the authors of Williams Obstetrics began erroneously claiming that pelvic
diamaters DON'T CHANGE at delivery.

OB LIE #2. After Ohlsen pointed out in 1973 that pelvic diameters DO
change - the authors of Williams Obstetrics began erroneously claiming that
their most frequent delivery position - dorsal - widens the outlet.

OB LIE #3. After I pointed out in 1992 that dorsal CLOSES - and so does
semisitting - the authors of Williams Obstetrics - put the correct
biomechanics in their 1993 edition - but kept in their text (in the same
paragraph!) - the dorsal widens bald lie that first called my attention to
their text...

OB LIE #4. OBs are actually KEEPING birth canals closed when babies get
stuck - and claiming they are doing everything to allow the birth canal open
maximally. (ACOG Shoulder Dystocia video - also forceps and vacuum births
are performed with the mother in lithotomy.)

See Make birth better: Dan Rather, before you leave CBS...


Stopping hospital obstetricians from placing women semisitting or dorsal and
closing birth canals the "extra" up to 30% will likely prevent many
unnecessary EXPENSIVE surgeries:

Hospital obstetricians are slicing vaginas and abdomens en masse
(episiotomies and c-sections) - surgically/fraudulently inferring they are
doing/have done everything possible to open birth canals - even as they
close birth canals - up to 30%.

NOTE: Of course, allowing birth canals to open the "extra" up to 30% is not
going to prevent all episiotomies or c-sections - but regardless - hospital
obstetricians should not be closing birth canals - or KEEPING them closed
when babies get stuck.

PREGNANT WOMEN: It is easy to offer your baby the "extra" up to 30% of
outlet area by simply rolling onto your side as you push your baby out.

JUST BEWARE: Some OBs and CNMwives let you "try" alternative delivery
positions - but move you back to semisitting or dorsal (close your birth
canal) for
the actual delivery.

ALSO BEWARE: It is STANDARD PRACTICE for OBs to keep birth canals closed
when babies get stuck - i.e. - OBs are pulling with forceps and vacuums -
birth canals senselessly closed...

LADIES: Talk to your OB or CNMwife about this today.

WHITE ELEPHANT FACT: Pregnant women should not have to ASK obstetricians
for the "extra" up to 30%.

This Open Letter to Hyagriv N. Simhan, M.D., M.S.C.R.
will be archived for global access in the Google usenet archive. Search
http://groups.google.com for "Rectal injury at birth - 8.9%"