View Full Version : Will UK chiro critic Edzard Ernst, MD help babies?

Todd Gastaldo
July 3rd 05, 06:33 PM

PREGNANT WOMEN: By using semisitting and dorsal delivery, obstetricians are
senselessly closing birth canals up to 30%.

It is easy to allow your birth canal to OPEN the "extra" up to 30%.

See ACOG's 2005 edition: How NOT to birth

Allowing your birth canal to open the "extra" up to 30% will help your baby
avoid unnecessary spinal manipulation by the obstetrician.


"The effectiveness of spinal manipulation as a treatment for back pain
remains uncertain and controversial."
--Edzard Ernst MD, PhD, FRCP, FRCPEd (with Canter).Wien Klin Wochenschr.
2005 May;117(9-10):333-41. PubMed abstract

OPEN LETTER (archived for global access at http://groups.google.com)

Edzard Ernst MD, PhD, FRCP, FRCPEd
Peninsula Medical School
Complementary Medicine
University of Plymouth
Exeter, UK.


As noted above, by using semisitting and dorsal delivery, obstetricians are
senselessly closing birth canals up to 30%.

Worse, when babies get stuck, obstetricians are KEEPING women semisitting or
dorsal - keeping their birth canals closed the "extra" up to 30% - and using
spinal manipulation (hands/forceps/vacuums) to get babies out.

Sometimes obstetricians pull so hard they rip spinal nerves out of tiny
spinal cords.

Some babies die - some babies get paralyzed - most "only" suffer gruesome
spinal manipulation.

ALL spinal manipulation is gruesome with the birth canal closed the "extra"
up to 30%.

Edzard, as you study spinal manipulation for back pain, please work to end
spinal manipulation which is likely CAUSING much back pain/neck pain.

There is also the matter of obstetricians slicing vaginas and abdomens en
masse (episiotomy/c-section) - surgically/fraudulently inferring that they
are doing/have done everything to open birth canals - even as they close
birth canals the "extra" up to 30%.

Stopping gruesome spinal manipulation by MDs could prevent a lot of
back/neck pain - not to mention a lot of episiotomies and c-sections.



Dr. Gastaldo
Hillsboro, Oregon

PS Edzard, just in case you are not aware, researchers at the UCLA School of
Public Health recently said that chiropractors "should consider a
conservative approach for applying manipulation to their patients." [Eric L.
Hurwitz, DC, PhD et al. Spine. 2005 Jul 1;30(13):1477-84. PubMed abstract]

Of course, I noted for Hurwitz et al. that MDs too need to be more
conservative in applying manipulation - i.e. - MDs need to stop keeping
birth canals closed the "extra" up to 30% when babies get stuck as they pull
with hands, forceps and vacuums.

See UCLA School of Public Health to help babies?

Finally, Edzard, it is possible that British Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynecology/BJOG Editor Jim Thornton has just knowingly published an article
that in effect advises medical doctors to keep birth canals closed the
"extra" up to 30% as they manipulate babies' spines.

See Babies vs. BJOG Editor Jim Thornton

Please do all you can to stop obstetrician-applied grisly spinal
manipulation. There is NO need for obstetricians to keep birth canals
closed the "extra" up to 30% when babies get stuck. Indeed, birth canals
shouldn't be closed the "extra" up to 30% in the first place.

PREGNANT WOMEN; I say again: It is easy to allow your birth canal to OPEN
the "extra" up to 30%.

See ACOG's 2005 edition: How NOT to birth

Thanks for reading everyone.



Dr. Gastaldo
Hillsboro, Oregon

Copied to: Eric W. Hurwitz, DC, PhD et al. via

Copied also to: Ms. Fidelma O'Mahony, Clinical Governance Office, Ward 59,
North Staffordshire Maternity Unit, UK

Ms. O'Mahony recently wrote to me:

> Many thanks for your comments, I will look into this option. Am currently
> updating Cochrane review on instrumental delivery. Also involved in tecahing
> emergency obstetrics...MOET (Managing Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma)
> Regards
> Fidelma

Edzard, I certainly hope Fidelma is not inferring that it is an "option" for
obstetricians to keep pulling on babies' spines with birth canals closed the
"extra" up to 30%. (!)

Fidelma, if you are reading, please reassure me that you don't think pulling
with birth canals closed the "extra" up to 30% is an option. Thanks in

This Open Letter to Edzard Ernst, MD will be archived for global access in
the Google usenet archive.

Search http://groups.google.com for "Will UK chiro critic Edzard Ernst, MD
help babies?"