View Full Version : Short Statured Boys, Growth Hormone, CJD, Anabolic Steroids and Eugenics. Children being used as Guinee Pigs

August 3rd 03, 11:43 PM
In Australia, from the late 50's, prepubertal and adolescent boys with
a prediction of 'short stature' were treated with synthetic androgens
to excelerate their growth. Originally Norethandrolone was used and
then from the early 70's Oxandrolone.

No thorough multidisciplinary, long-term follow-up has ever been done
with regard to this treatment. Many of the Australian Men and some
Women now report a range of medical problems which they fear may be
the result of their treatment with androgens.

There is however evidence about their concerns since the fact that
Oxandrolone treatment was discontinued in 1990 and other Growth
promotors such as Human Growth Hormone (hGH)has now ceased being
manufactured from Pituiarty Glands in 1985.

We believe that the report completed by Professor Allars, her
executive summaries and Dr Lawrence's speech to the House prove beyond
any question that there had been significant breaches of the law as it
applies to a wide variety of areas. These include the manufacture of
the hormone, including the collection of glands, distribution of the
hormone by various agencies, including HPAC, CSL and others as
detailed in the Allars report, and non-disclosure of possible side


Jeff Utz
August 5th 03, 03:08 AM
Sounds like an ad for lawyers.