View Full Version : MMR Choose nothing

November 11th 03, 08:21 AM
Choose nothing

THERE seems to be a myth growing that intelligent, informed parents
choose single vaccine shots. They do not: they choose no vaccines at

One of my three definitely non-jabbed offspring developed measles many
years ago. She was unwell for several days, developed a high fever and
came out in spots. With the proper management — warm, airy conditions,
pure liquids and emphatically no "doctor's medication" — she emerged
with an enhanced immune system and cleared of some inherited and
acquired disease tendencies. This is precisely what the eruptive
illnesses are for.

This has now been lost for the unfortunate mass of children: the
latest Morbity Statistics from General Practice showed an average 85%
increase in serious illness in children.

As for the MMR-autism link, the obvious is being overlooked: the
confusion is being caused by the fact that the measles vaccine is
neither the only nor the original cause.

The term autism was coined, in the early 1940s by the American child
psychologist Leo Kanner, to describe a new syndrome which appeared in
the wake of the US whooping cough vaccination programme.

The UK measles vaccine was introduced in 1963, after the death rate of
malnourished, incorrectly treated measles victims had gone off the
graph. The only conceivable reason to push the shot was commercial:
this is where the "deadly measles" fantasy came to fruition.

Pat Rattigan,